Peacebuilding & the social fabric
Harare, Zimbabwe
Jackie Cahi was born and raised in Zimbabwe, where she still makes her home in the capital, Harare. She has worked locally, regionally and internationally as a facilitator and host, helping groups, organizations and individuals work through complex social challenges using participatory methods in learning and leadership, dialogue and engagement. Her experience and practice with different methodologies, coupled with a background in education and the creative arts, weaves practical project management skills with innovation and imagination. She has a deep interest in and curiosity around the integration of traditional best practice with the new, the innovative and the emergent. Jackie has a special focus on Africa in her work at Engaging Inquiry, but also brings to the team her rootedness in the mother continent, and a perspective from the global South.
Jackie is one of the stewards of the Zimbabwean Art of Hosting Network of practitioners and is currently exploring Family Constellations work, and Processwork, both disciplines that draw on the notion of the systemic field and of a living ecosystem. She is a Trustee of Kufunda Village, a learning village in Zimbabwe founded on Art of Hosting participatory principles and whose focus is co-creating generative practices for dialogue and sustainable living in Zimbabwean communities. Jackie is a co-convener of Gateway Zimbabwe, a collaborative peace building initiative between Kufunda, Trust Africa and ORAP, whose aim is to reweave and enliven the social fabric of Zimbabwe.
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